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Monday, February 24, 2014

Dick McCollum on Jack Boyd

My brother and I were in  Troop 21 with Jack Boyd in the late 40;s and early  50’s.

He was  thin and wiry and very devoted to scouting. Sometimes he was riled up but his overall demeanor  was that of calm and equanimity which is a characteristic of a true  leader and that  was what I admired the most as I reflect back to our scouting days in Troop 21 with Jack Boyd.

He was proud of his service in WWII and I think it was the Army, as he loved to  sing  some of the Army songs  such as  “ sound off…”

I  remember one camping  trip  near Fort Worth where we lay on our  sleeping bags looking at the sky as Jack describe the  stars and the constellations . He love this as we learned to do also. The memory of this is clear as day.

Charley and I both became Eagles and spent many nights at Worth Ranch as well as summers at Philmont.

I do not think I  appreciated my own scouting experience then as much as I do now. The life lesions that scouting  gave me proved a marvelous foundation  as we grew into men and faced the  challenges of the real world.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Fred Moyer

Fred Moyer's parents were both killed in a car accident near Clarendon, Texas.